Sunday, December 23, 2018

Sweet Dessert

Image may contain: dessert and food


Image may contain: drink and indoor
at centeral london by Fiz my camera team member
Look at here what i drank in central london last weekendA uniquie squeez and chilled drink called moacktail.Yesterday was a chilled weekend night and i ordered for myself this.Mocktails, an abbreviation for "mock cocktails", are festive, non-alcoholic party drinks. The word "mock" implying a facade of the alcoholic cocktail without any of the alcoholic content. In last few years it has become so popular that it even finds its place in the cocktail menu on many restaurant and bars. Mocktails can be described as a smooth blend of only non-alcoholic drinks, which could be fresh fruit juices, syrups, cream, herbs and spices. Mocktails are designed specifically for those who do not take alcoholic drinks or need to refrain from them, which means these blends can be enjoyed by people of all ages.They are particularly favoured over cocktails by drivers, pregnant women, and others who choose party drinks that are alcohol-free.